Rosen Aviation Specializes in Design, Manufacture and Support of In-Flight Entertainment (IFE)

Rosen Aviation is the gold standard in cabin displays and owes it reputation for skill and proficiency to nearly 40 years of aviation industry experience, a team of dedicated employees and millions of miles of trouble-free air travel. Below is our recent interview with Lee Clark​, Senior VP Strategy at Rosen Aviation:

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Rosen Aviation?

A: Our record of consistent 100% OTD and zero defects differentiates us from competition, and reflects our mission of customer advocacy. Expanding on its technological expertise, Rosen also integrates sensor control, lighting and other unique technologies that further enhance the passenger experience. Rosen’s mission of advocacy may be simple, but it is powerful. In advocating for each of our stakeholders, we are ever mindful of their sometimes-competing desires, defining our success in terms of their collective satisfaction. We seek to maximize our value to customers by delivering a combination of visionary insight and precise execution.

Q: What is the impact of the current situation on business?

A: Initially, with some states like California enforcing the stay at home mandates, we had some concerns about our suppliers ability to deliver on time. Those impacts have been mitigated by our diligent supply chain management. With the longer-term economic impact of Covid-19 the OEM’s are seeing a 15-20% reduction in their forecasts and that impacts us directly. We have, of course, also implemented our own Covid-19 policies, which have kept us infection-free, perhaps also benefitting from our location in Eugene, Oregon.

Q: Who is your ideal client and why?

A: We’ve worked with almost all the OEM’s, Tier 1’s and key players, having seen them at their best and sometimes less than ideal. Those challenges have helped us refine precisely what makes for the ideal partnership, something we place great emphasis on. The perfect customer for Rosen undertakes vigorous pre-selection evaluation with candidate partners, then trusts their selection to help guide the development process in collaboration with their own internal teams. We’ve consistently found that when we undertake projects this way, costs, schedule and quality are all improved.

Q: What can we expect from Rosen Aviation in next 12 months?

A: We’ve made enormous strides in the last few years to ensure Rosen extends it’s market dominance. As thought and technology leaders in our market we’re constantly evaluating new technologies and applications. While utilizing our current R&D capacity to accelerate planned product and technology launches, we’re also focusing on how we help our partners improve the business side of our relationships, too. As a mission-driven company, our advocacy extends to all aspects of our relationships, and we seek to bring insight wherever possible.

On the product front, our display line will soon include a full range of sizes with 4K resolution, with both LCD and OLED panels. Additionally, we recently introduced a new branding panel that serves to convey passenger information in entryways and other key viewing points. Our passenger control products now include new touch and touchless sensor technologies, and we will soon be introducing a hologram control pad that will be getting a lot of attention

Q: What’s the best thing about Rosen Aviation that people might not know about?

A: Without a doubt, Rosen’s biggest asset is its people. I’ve worked in many difference industries and it’s our staff that truly differentiates us from most other companies. Being a mission driven company really flows through in everything we do. Our values aren’t just on a big sign in reception, they’re lived and breathed everyday by our employees. Advocating for our customers becomes a tangible thing that drives our every decision